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All credit card information is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and only stored for recurring orders with a AES-256 encryption
How to find the BEST groups for YOUR business
The most important posts to focus on
How to get leads from a group into your world
The way to get potential clients to jump into your inbox
How to keep yourself organized as you grow
What my favorite groups are and the days you can post for free
What groups are worth paying for and which ones aren't
How to grow your following and email list as you go
LIFETIME ACCESS to the "Group GoldMIND" Library!
Private 1-Hour Strategy Session: Deep dive into your business, offers, and ideal client. Receive tailored advice and actionable insights.
Custom PDF with Resources: Ten handpicked Facebook groups for your niche. Seven proven post templates to use and adapt. A ready-to-use Messenger sequence to close leads with confidence.
Facebook Profile Audit & Makeover: Optimize your profile to build instant trust and credibility. Learn how to position yourself as the go-to expert in your field.
Content Repurposing Guide: Maximize your efforts by repurposing content for your personal profile and email list.
30 Days of Real-Time Support: Unlimited text and email access for personalized adjustments and tweaks. Get on-the-spot advice as you interact with actual leads.
Proven Strategy with Tangible Results: Develop a sustainable plan to get in front of hundreds of thousands of dream clients. Clients using this approach consistently gain 5–10 new clients per month, regardless of industry.
Guaranteed Clarity: While individual results depend on consistent action (ideally five days a week), this strategy ensures you’ll never wonder where your next client is coming from again.
Receive a $400 credit toward sharing your story in one of our collaboration books! (must be used within 60 days of purchase)