Step One - Create Account or Sign In
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All credit card information is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and only stored for recurring orders with a AES-256 encryption
You will shift from wondering why you’re wasting time on social media to receiving requests to work with you and regular payment notifications.
You will move from thinking you have to be popular and slick online to knowing your unique flavor is exactly what many are seeking now.
I will show you how to connect to yourself, your message, and to those you wish to serve.
Learn how to rock social media posts on your profiles as well as in groups. (AKA how to get the attention of your dream clients.)
Learn how to get booked on podcasts, create alliances with the host, and get clients as a result.
Learn how to use live video to grow your business quickly.
Learn the art of a heartfelt invitation.
LIFETIME ACCESS to the "Sacred Storytelling" Library!
4 Training Modules
Action Items you can implement immediately